Vívaro Managed Firewall
Nowadays, for companies, being able to always be connected to the world in a fast, secure and efficient way is the key to the success of their operations. With Vívaro's Managed Firewall, we will provide your organization with a perimeter security service through a next-generation Firewall.
Fortinet Firewall recognized as a Leader in the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls for the 13th time.

*The service will be managed and monitored by our bilingual, certified and specialized computer security team from our SOC.

We put at your disposal leading brands in the market to adapt to your needs.

Firewall Rules
IPS (Intrusion Protection System)
Content Filtering
Application Control
Bandwidth utilization regulation
Navigation Reports (protocol, pages visited, users, etc.).
Use Cases
Value proposal
- Being a managed service, it does not require certified engineers.
- Easy growth to SDWAN.
- Bilingual IT Security specialists in charge of your network from day one.
- Certified Care Processes under international standards.
- Real Service Coverage and 7x24 schedule.
- Control bandwidth and increase your organization's productivity by blocking unproductive sites.
Success stories
- Managed Firewall Success Story
- Company Profile:
- Leading company in the automotive industry in the design and construction of cold boxes and units on chassis.
- Background:
- With plants in the State of Mexico and corporate headquarters in Mexico City, they had problems with information vulnerability and lack of security in the perimeter.
- Difficulty in managing and administering security both in its different locations and its remote users.
- Challenges:
- Creation of VPNs over the Internet site to site.
- Creating VPNs for remote users (home office).
- Manage firewalls across multiple locations from a single cloud-based dashboard.
- Mitigate the vulnerability of your designs.
- Creation of safe work zones.
- Content filtering.
- Solution:
- Fotinet Managed Firewall.
- Management of additions, deletions and changes from the Fortinet cloud.
- Firewall monitoring from our SOC.
- Single dashboard to manage all client Firewalls.
- Benefits:
- Bilingual IT Security specialists in charge of your network from day one.
- Secure communication between your sites.
- Control the content your employees visit with included content filtering.
- Security of your perimeter.